Many organizations overlook the importance of employment practices liability insurance coverage. Today, it shouldn’t be considered optional or extra...
Engaging Volunteers for Nonprofit Organizations
When it comes to engaging volunteers for nonprofit organizations, your nonprofit clients should be aware of certain considerations to avoid potential...
D&O Insurance for Nonprofits: The Difference Between a Working Board and a Governing Board
The board of directors plays a pivotal role in the governance of a nonprofit, overseeing the organization’s mission, objectives, strategic direction,...
Designing Specialized Insurance Coverage to Suit the Unique Demands of Today's Nonprofits
it’s important to help your clients understand that they have the flexibility to create a customized insurance plan that aligns with their unique...
Navigating Grants for Nonprofit Organizations: The Role of Insurance
Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on donations to support their missions and initiatives. However, donations and fundraising alone can sometimes...
3 Best Practices for Improving Nonprofit Volunteer Management
The fact is, volunteers bring a wealth of skills, passion and diversity that can significantly enhance the good work that organizations do in driving...