3 Key Benefits of Insurance for Churches

In today’s litigious and regulated society, an awareness of legal risks is more important than ever before, especially for your religious institution clients. According to sources from Church Law & Tax, There has been an increase in church litigation over the past 7 years.  What this means for your clients, is that they must take affirmative steps to become informed about legal risk, and to protect themselves financially from those risks. This can be done by purchasing insurance for churches.

Church insurance is essential for all religious institutions. Coverage includes General Liability, Property, Pastoral & Counseling Liability, and much more.  Below is a brief list of some of the key benefits of insurance for churches, based on the top legal risks they face.

  1. Protection against claims of negligence of any type. Church leaders may be accused of negligence for a variety of reasons; negligence in hiring moral and honest church staff, or negligence in supervising appropriately when it comes to church activities.
  2. Protection against an employee liability claim. Courts have ruled that religious institutions may discriminate on the basis of religion. However, they must be consistent, and must ensure that no other discriminatory factors are at play, such as basing a hiring or firing decision on race, gender, or age.
  3. Personal liability protection for directors and officers. In recent years, a number of lawsuits have attempted to impose personal liability on officers and directors. Directors and Officers insurance provides coverage for various acts that may be committed by church board members in the course of their official duties.

These are just a few of the benefits of insurance for churches. Charity First is proud to serve all the insurance needs of the religious sector with a package policy tailored exclusively for denominational/non-denominational churches, synagogues, temples and more. Please contact us today to learn more about insurance for churches, at (800) 352-2761.